Third turtle rescue
We are part of RAP-SL, the Reptile and Amphibian Program -Sierra Leone, as Volunteer Monitors. We work with the fishermen on the beach. We bring live turtles that have been caught in nets accidentally to rescue. We also collect data of sightings. This is part of an international monitoring program.
Here is a video of the third turtle live release this year, on YouTube
Rescues to date this year:
Date | Location | Turtle/Animal |
24 April | Black Johnson Beach (Whale Bay) | Green Turtle |
06 May | Black Johnson Beach (Whale Bay) | Green Turtle |
09 May | Black Johnson Beach (Riverside) | Cormorant | 29 May - 16 June | Big Water | Crocodile | 15 August | Black Johnson Beach (Whale Bay) | Green Turtle |
Save Black Johnson Beach: further information
Urgent: destructive and polluting fish-meal factory development in Sierra Leone National Park must be stopped!
Please click here for more information.
Download Press Release.
Download report on endangered animals already rescued.
Start Performing Community Organisation is a U.K. registered charity, number 1139530.
SPCO-SL is a registered NGO in Sierra Leone.
Following the security issues raised by recent events in Sierra Leone we felt it important to reiterate that we are strictly an environmental campaign. We have absolutely nothing to do with party politics.
We are campaigning to protect five separate ecosystems, including pristine rainforest, protected wetlands, fish spawning grounds and home to endangered species as it would be catastrophic for the environment for this to be destroyed.
We continue with our work rescuing turtles and other species on the beach. We are committed to this work.